Starting in December of 2012, a bursary of $1000 was awarded to a full-time students enrolled in the Electrical Construction & Industrial – Certificate program at the Kingstec or Waterfront campuses.
2023 Recipients
Electrical Construction and Industrial, Marconi Campus
“Receiving this award gives me peace of mind knowing that I will still be able to do my 5 week work placement and not have to worry about bills or unplanned expenses. I would just like to say thank you so much for this generous award.”
Electrical Construction and Industrial, Ivany Campus
“I would like to sincerely thank the friends and family of James Mattatall for supporting my education through this generous memorial award. This award will will support me in completing the Electrical program and it will support my education at NSCC a great deal. It will let me focus on my classes, my school work and projects instead of worrying about fitting in as many work hours as possible. It will also allow me to continue to play and coach hockey in any spare time that I may have, while trying to study full time and work part time. It will help me to pay for books, food, transportation, etc.. It will also help me to be able to study without worrying about paying for all of my education and/or finishing school with lots of debt. This support will relieve a lot of stress and will be a great help, and I appreciate that very much.”
2022 Recipients
Zach M.
Electrical Construction and Industrial, Marconi Campus
“This award will give me a lot of stress relief as money is something I’m currently struggling with while in school. It will aid in me being able to focus in school and not having to worry about finances constantly. These funds will help me buy tools to make me a better electrician when I graduate. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. This money will help me so much and want to let you know how much I appreciate it. You are very generous people.”
Alex B.
Electrical Construction and Industrial, Ivany Campus
“Once I become an experience red seal electrician I feel I will take the step in opening up my own company focusing on residential electrical and potentially branch out to commercial electrical. My younger brother is thinking about pursuing an education in the future to be an electrician too, so we could be partners and run a family business. I would like to become a mentor to upcoming electricians and be able to hire apprentices to give them the experience to get their red seal.”
2021 Recipients
Connor M.
Electrical-Construction & Industrial – Certificate, Ivany Campus
“This will definitely have an impact as reducing any financial stress related to higher education. The award will help pay for the tuition and any other supplies and tools during the program. The requirement for good quality equipment and tools is important to ensure you are ready for work. I have been working part time since I was 16 to save up for my education, so I greatly appreciate this help in ensuring my success. Thank you very much, this means a lot to me.”
Stephanie T.
Electrical-Construction & Industrial – Certificate, Lunenburg Campus
“This award will help me and my family with the expenses related to being in school, which will in turn help me focus and achieve the high grades that I know I am capable of. Thanks to this award, I will be able to volunteer as a tutor and help out other students in my class, which is something I have done in prior education. The impact of this award on my education is difficult to describe, as I have been struggling to support myself and my family with some of our additional health expenses and that stress has been difficult to manage, and this award will reduce that stress significantly. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this award. I hope that I will do a good job of carrying on James’ legacy, and I will strive to be the best that I can be in my classwork, out in the field, and I will do my best to carry ‘common sense and good humour’ with me every day. Thank you, so much.”
Joshua V.
Electrical-Construction & Industrial – Certificate, Ivany Campus
“This award will be a huge help. I have been raised by a single mom, who has always done her best with me an my sister. This will continue to help pay my tuition, books, and tools that are needed for this program. I take receiving this award very seriously, and it makes me want to work even harder because I do not want to let you down. This award will help me more than you know, and will also take so much stress off of my Mom. You truly are helping me not only financially, but you are easing my debt load, and setting me up for success. I appreciate the award and please know that I am honoured to be recognized in James’s spirit and legacy and I hope to be able to attain the same high standards that he lived by when he was taking the course and his apprenticeship. Thank you.”
Ehtan R.
Utility Line Work-Construction & Maintenance, Cumberland Campus
“This award means a lot to me, thank you very much. By receiving this award it means that I will not have to worry as much about the amount that I am borrowing for my student loans. I will have to borrow the full cost of my tuition as well as the cost of living while I am in school as I will only be working part time and still need to earn money to cover my costs while in school. This award has a very positive impact on my financial situation and I am very grateful to be receiving it. Once again thank you.”
2019 Recipient
Morgan Weir, Class of 2020
Electrical Construction & Industrial – Certificate Ivany Campus
Morgan chose to study Electrical Construction and Industrial because he wanted to learn a trade that will be in demand when he finishes and in many years to come. Morgan’s goal is to give back to the his community through his newly learned skills.
“Thank you so much for your donation. Receiving this award means the world to me; I’ve been through a lot over the past 5 years and I never would have thought I would have received a bursary.”
2018 Recipient
Dante Manuel, Class of 2019
Electrical Construction & Industrial – Certificate Ivany Campus
After waiting two years to take the Electrical Construction & Industrial program at NSCC, Dante is excited to be working toward his dream career as an electrician at Ivany Campus.
“I can’t tell you how much it means to me that most of my tuition was covered for second term, because I wasn’t sure how I would get the money together. I don’t have any family support and worked part-time as many hours as I could just to get through the first term. I will be a good electrician, and like James Mattatall, I will be hardworking and committed to giving back to my community.
I want you to know how grateful I am for this award. I don’t take life for granted and have had to work for everything I have, and will honour your donation by doing my very best to be successful.
In closing I would just like to tell you how much I appreciate this award and this opportunity to reduce some of my education costs.”
2017 Recipients
Connor Levy, Class of 2018
Electrical Construction & Industrial, Ivany Campus
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the friends and family of James Mattatall for this generous award. I am so grateful.
It has been financially challenging for my mom as a single mother to bring up three boys. She is a graduate of university and has always told me that secondary education is so important. After going into the work-force straight from high school I eventually realized this. This reward will significantly help me achieve my education goal with less financial stress.
Since starting at NSCC in Industrial Electrical I have never felt so good, and enjoy working very hard to get an education in a field that I really like and that my grandfather was so good at. I am more dedicated to learning now than I’ve ever been and it feels so rewarding.
Once again thank you so much for rewarding me for my hard work and dedication. It means a lot to me.”
Logan Quinn, Class of 2018
Electrical Construction & Industrial, Kingstec Campus
“I am writing this letter to express my sincere thanks to the family and friends of James Mattatall for supporting youth looking to further their education.
I am currently enrolled in Electrical Construction & Industrial – Certificate program at Kingstec Campus in Kentville. My hometown is New Glasgow, so attending school away from home means the expenses add up quickly, so these award funds will be a great help to aid me in pursuing my education. One goal I am striving for is to attempt to finish at the top of my class this year and then join the workforce and obtain my red seal.
Your generous support means the world to me. I find it amazing that the family and friends of James have selflessly come together in his honor to present this award to individuals and help lessen the burden of education costs.
In closing I would just like to tell you how much I appreciate this award and this opportunity to reduce some of my education costs.”
Update for 2016 Recipients – In response to the continuing support and generous donations made to the NSCC James Mattatall Memorial Award, two recipients will receive the $1000.00 Education Award each year.
2016 Recipients
Alison Gaudet, Class of 2017
Electrical Construction & Industrial NSCC Kingstec Campus
“I would like to send a deeply sincere thank you to the Mattatall Family for such a generous award. Being a single mother of two young children and attending college with only the support of a student loan is very difficult and stressful. This makes me tremendously grateful to be the recipient of this award. I am in my first term of the Electrical Construction & Industrial program and love every day of my studies. I am dedicated to my studies and strive to maintain my high academic standards so that I will be able to gain dependable employment upon graduation in order to support my two children and myself. Once again, thank you ever so much, I will forever be grateful for your kindness.”
Tyler Ashcroft, Class of 2017
Electrical Construction & Industrial NSCC Waterfront Campus
“I would like to thank you for choosing me for this award made possible by your generous donation. Receiving this award is really going to help me financially and lessen my stress about having to work while attending my program. I am truly grateful.”
2015 Recipients
Logan Bishop
Electrical Construction & Industrial, Kingstec Campus
January 6, 2016
The Mattatall Family
I am writing to express my sincere thank you for your generous $1,000.00 James Mattatall Memorial Award. I was very happy and appreciative to learn that I had been selected as the recipient of your award.
I am half way through the Electrical Construction and Industrial program at NSCC Kingstec Campus. I am enjoying this program and looking forward to gaining work experience and eventually receiving my Red Seal. Receiving this award motivates me and allows me to continue to work hard and concentrate on my studies without worrying about my financial situation.
Thank you again for your support and investing in my future.
Logan Bishop
Dallas MacDonald
Electro Mechanical Technician, Pictou Campus
To the family of James Mattatall,
Due to health reason in November 2015, I had to withdraw from the Electrical Construction & Industrial Program at the Kingstec Campus and put my education on hold. This September I am enrolled in the Electro Mechanical Technician program at the NSCC Pictou Campus. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for your generosity in providing me with this award. I am happy to have been selected as this year’s recipient and this award will help in financing my education and to pursue my career goals and for that, I am so grateful. I feel very honoured to receive this award in memory of your son. Thank you for making the James Mattatall Memorial Award possible, I will never forget the generosity extended to me by your family.
Yours truly,
Dallas MacDonald
2014 Recipient
Brodie Zwicker
Electrical Construction & Industrial, Kingstec Campus
As someone who has always been good with his hands and understands science and math, Brodie Zwicker knows he’s found the perfect fit. Training for a career as an electrician is rewarding and fulfilling, especially when he thinks of how he will be able to provide for his infant son, born this past summer.
After struggling for months with transportation and tuition costs, Brodie is grateful he won’t have to miss any more school just to make ends meet. “I am so grateful that I was chosen for this award and for the possibilities and opportunities it opens up for me and my family.” After graduation, Brodie is determined to gain working hours and apprenticeship blocks to attain his Red Seal certification.
To the friends and family of James Mattatall,
I am so grateful that I was chosen for this award. I have been struggling with my payments on gas to get to school and other bills, plus I am providing for my son. This award has helped me be able to continue to make it to school so that I am able to graduate and provide more for my family. There has been points where financially I was just not able to make it into school and I was falling behind every day that I missed but I am back on track and hard at my studies. This trade is the perfect trade for me so it would be life shattering if I could not graduate from this course just because I couldn’t make it to school. Again I thank you so much for making this a possibility for me.
J. Brodie Zwicker
2013 Recipient
Jason Howard, 1st year NSCC student, Electrical Construction & Industrial, Kingstec Campus.
2012 Recipient
The first student to be awarded the JMMA ($1000.00) is Lisa Moore, a student in the Construction/Industrial Electrical Program at the NSCC Kingstec Campus. Lisa was highly recommended by her instructors at Kingstec for this award. She is very honored and touched by this award and said it will be extremely helpful to her in completing her program at Kingstec Campus. She is eagerly looking forward to becoming a first year electrical apprentice upon her graduation.