James’ Honor of Family
The younger generation is drawn to this form of expression. To James, his tattoos were a form of honor.
James was a very proud Mattatall and to honor his family name, he had this tattoo created.
He also had a tattoo across his chest that said “Live Until Tomorrow Ends”. No one quite knew the real meaning of this tattoo for James but it seems he knew something that the rest of us did not.
Since James’ death, a few of his friends have decided to get tattoos as a tribute to him. This is their expression of love, honor and respect for the man that will be forever in their hearts.
More than a Tattoo
This was always my favorite picture of Jim and I tried imitating it so many times and rhubarbed er every time lol… This ones for you my brother, I’ve known you for 19 years of my life the only people I’ve known longer are my own blood. This is my way of saying goodbye as well as a means to still have you around and for one week a year this shirt doesn’t come off unless I shower.. Its my way of never forgetting you JPM I love you bro forever and always. ~ Brendan